Early Warning-Landslide Monitoring System - EW-LMS
Railway lines running through mountainous areas are often characterized by sections overlooking artificial slopes. Intense and sudden rainfall increases the likelihood of slope breaks and consequent rapid mudslides and debris, which can lead to high-risk situations for trains’ circulation safety. The EW-LMS system is designed to detect possible landslides and promptly provide warnings, so as to suspend the trains circulation proactively.
The EW-LMS system is able to monitor in real time even large areas through a network of inclinometer sensors that measure the head rotation of instrumented shafts stuck into the ground, and consequently the occurring landslide. The combined use of terrain moisture sensors, for each point in the network, allows to determine the conditions of imminent danger and therefore to generate alert conditions.

The system provides a remote monitoring and control system, an overview of the situation and an overall synthetic evaluation of the monitored area. The system is 100% wireless and battery powered and it is particularly cost-effective in terms of equipment, installation and ordinary maintenance.
Title: System and method for landslide risk areas monitoring
Italian Patent Licence: May 3, 2012 patent n. 0001393752