SWAN - Smart Wayside Accelerometric Network
SWAN is a WCM (Wheel Condition Monitoring) system, that thanks to a particular structure and to an innovative Data Processing, is capable of extracting information from the measurement of the accelerations generated on the track at the passage of each wheel, providing automatically both a quantitative evaluation of the rail stress, and a synthetic Quality Wheel Index (QWI).


SWAN provides a QWI for each wheel of a transited train, classifying them into three synthetic levels, L0-L1-L2, represented in green-yellow-red colours.
SWAN is able to recognize the number of the transited train plate and then it uniquely identifies a wheel so as to monitor it over time.
SWAN provides valuable information on the quality of the running surface of each wheel, in order to perform an “on condition” maintenance of the fleet of rolling stock, reducing maintenance costs and increasing operational safety.
Its main features are:
- Automatic acquisition, validation and processing of the data detected by the sensors distributed on the field;
- Automatic QWI calculation and generation of alerts per each wheel;
- On-site storage of the acquired data, and automatic transfer to a dedicated server;
- Identification through dynamic wheel imprint;
- Identification through automatically shot photographs at the passing of a rolling stock;
- Automatic identification of the rolling stock type by the measurement of the wheelbase/bogie centre distance;
- Remote control through HSDPA connection;
- Auto-diagnostic and downgraded mode operation capability;
- Web based platform for visualization of acquired data;
- User-friendly data management interface;
- User-configurable alert thresholds in relation to specific operating procedures;
- Bi-directional traffic;
- Highly repeatable measurements;
- Easy management and maintenance;
- No limit to the length of the train;
- Optionally powered by a photovoltaic system;
- Sensors installation to the rail by superglue – no track alteration required;
- High resistance in potentially hostile environments.