IVM srl is pleased to invite you to the CIFI – Italian Railway Engineers Association conference “IL SISTEMA POWERVE DI PESATURA PORTATILE PER TRENI” which will be held, in Webinar mode, on Tuesday 27 April 2021 at 15:00.
In collaboration with EAV Ente Autonomo Volturno and University of Naples Federico II , the event focuses on the POWERVE system, on compliance with the EN 15654-2 standard, and on new maintenance approaches on rolling stocks, which aim to increase running safety and to reduce wear on the wheel-rail system.
The Webinar is free of charge and each CIFI members registred in the Register of the Order of Engineers acquire 3 CFP.
For more information on the theme and the program of the event, you can download the poster.
To participate in the webinar, you can register for the event in italian: Sistema POWERVE di pesatura portatile dei treni
We are waiting for you!