IVM Srl is very pleased to inform you that our POWERVE system has been officially certified by Italcertifer S.p.A.
POWERVE is fully compliant with the requirements of the standards EN 15654-2: 2019 “Railway applications – Measurement of vertical forces on wheels and wheelsets – Part 2: Test in workshop for new, modified and maintained vehicles” and EN 50215: 2011 “Railway applications – Rolling stock – Testing of rolling stock on completion of construction and before entry into service” (only for the parts relating to rolling stock weighing and the vertical load produced by each wheel on the track ).
POWERVE has become the unique hand-portable system available on the market that fully complies with the latest and most challenging requirements of the EN 15654-2. It provides very accurate and reproducible results on rolling stock weighing.
The reached performances of the system are really impressive and comparable with highly accurate fixed weighing systems. Among its advantages: portability, ease of use and cost reduction.
Thanks to its unique characteristics, it is the only portable solution capable of directly determining the vertical force QF0 for each wheel. It measures close to the reference point, at the wheel / rail interface, without additional complex calculations, unlike other systems that measure on the wheel flange or under the axlebox.
Congratulations to all the IVM team for the excellent work done in recent years and for the huge results achieved.
Here attached some pages of the Italcertifer Assessment report with English translation by IVM:
Assessment Report_Italcertifer_EN