
We are thrilled to announce our next conference on topics related to wheel-rail interface: ''L'INTERAZIONE TRA MATERIALE ROTABILE E BINARIO:
Correct equalization of the vertical forces on wheels is essential to ensure dynamic stability and decrease the risk of derailment
Hello again Asia, welcome to the new era of rolling stock weighing technology! IVM srl announces that POWERVE will be
Rolling stock Weigher
Czech Republic continues entrust POWERVE® ! Also Prague Metro has chosen POWERVE® for their weighing tests, so to ensure the best
IVM is pleased to share another milestone with all of you: he recently joined the DITECFER Railway Cluster. The DITECFER, an
Trains weigh system
I’m pleased to share some pictures from the SAT (Site Acceptance Test) of POWERVE® to SZDC s.o., our new customer in
Portable rail scale
POWERVE® finally landed in Brazil @ NT Expo with HLT company, our official distribution partner! We hope you met POWERVE® live
EXPO Ferroviaria 2021 proved to be as profitable and interesting for IVM as ever. At Forum 1 the SWAN system
POWERVE is gaining more and more interest in the railway sector and its distribution network continues to grow all over