We are thrilled to announce our next conference on topics related to wheel-rail interface: ”L’INTERAZIONE TRA MATERIALE ROTABILE E BINARIO: […]

We are thrilled to announce our next conference on topics related to wheel-rail interface: ”L’INTERAZIONE TRA MATERIALE ROTABILE E BINARIO: […]
Correct equalization of the vertical forces on wheels is essential to ensure dynamic stability and decrease the risk of derailment […]
IVM is pleased to share another milestone with all of you: he recently joined the DITECFER Railway Cluster. The DITECFER, an […]
#COHESION, the web magazine on cohesion policies, writes an article on OCTOPUS, one of our most innovative products! OCTOPUS is […]
IVM wins the 5th edition of the UIC Digital Awards 2020, in the Safety category. UIC (Union International des Chemins […]
One month after the ceremony, ERCI – European Railway Clusters Initiative  has just published on its website the official press release […]
Once again, IVM took part in the EXPO Ferroviaria, the most important event of the railway industry in Italy, during […]
IVM was chosen as success story by EU-Gateway | Business Avenues 2017 edition at the Japanese railway innovation fair: Mass-Trans! […]
IVM srl has just been mentioned in a recently published article by Transmetrics among the Best Rail Cargo Startups! Here […]
IVM participated in the XIX International Wheelset Congress from 16 to 20 June 2019, in Venice. The congress, founded by […]